Tis’ the Season: Some Perspective on Eclipses
There’s a lot planetary action happening.
If you’re really deep into astrology and want further insight or just want to know what the hell is happen, here’s one of my favorite websites.
I’m a bit of a “spiritual nerd” so I’m always researching different ideologies of thought and different perspectives on common topics. Eclipses, when I first began to understand them, were a bit of a challenge. They look pretty in pictures as a phenomena, but what did they mean and how did they affect me?
Astrologer or not, we all feel energy shifts occurring naturally in our atmosphere and whether we believe it or not, what happens in our galaxy as a whole affects us. We’re connected to every atom and stardust in our solar-sphere. I can go on but that’s a post for another time.
On July 2, we experience a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer and apparently it’s gonna be a doozy. But, in order to understand what this means for you, it’s probably just as important to understand eclipses, in general, and how we can apply this knowledge to our current library of thought and where we are as a whole.
My favorite start point is etymology.
What is an eclipse?
The dictionary definition, germane with any spiritual text, indicates an eclipse or to eclipse is a loss of power. So, be cautious of anyone who encourages you to begin anything new during an eclipse. Would you want to start or try to manifest anything when your magick isn’t in its full power?
I doubt it.
Now consider the Moon.
In Tarot, the Moon represents our shadow, shadow work, and illusions. While the Moon illuminates our path, we’re often so memorized by her light and don’t see or choose not to see, the depths of ourselves she reveals. Muva Moon also represents Divine Feminine energy and holds our secrets in her bosom. And because she keeps our secrets, it’s her light that makes it less strenous to face our unchecked shadow and show it compassion.
The Moon is often misunderstood, due in part to her connection to our emotions and intuition. Because these abstract concepts are often viewed imbalanced, she — just as our emotions — is seen as erratic and wild. But really, the Moon’s energy, when allowed, guides our many phases because she has phases. She is the fastest celestial body in our solar system, transiting in and out of zodiacs within two to three days per week. Her phases are in sync with the ocean’s tides and correlate with our own unique ebbs and flows. Her movements are a perfect representation of how we constantly experience highs and lows, as it is the natural order of life
*Pro-tip: keep track of when the Moon transits through a particular sign and observe your attitudes and energy. This can determine your best times to create, plan, and when to make a move.*
We experience two types of eclipses, solar and lunar.
Let’s begin with solar since that’s first up.
Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse is when the Sun’s light is obscured by the Moon’s shadow and brings darkness over parts of the Earth. Think of what the Sun represents: our external self and outward expression. In Tarot, the Sun represents joy, truth and enlightenment, vitality and growth. Since the Moon essentially blocks the Sun, we lose a bit of that vibrancy for a specific amount of time. Solar Eclipses always happen during a New Moon cycle (the dark Moon). The spiritual connotation of a New Moon indicates a fresh start. Under the energy of the New Moon, we’re encouraged to set new manifestations, launch new projects and prepare to make life shifts. Because darkness often represents birth and newness, the New Moon is an auspicious time for a fresh start or to plant seeds of manifestation in our fertile ground.
Just not during a Solar Eclipse, though.
Let’s dive a little deeper.
With the Moon casting its shadow over the Sun, our attention during this time should be drawn to our external nuances. We can often be blinding by the Sun, so the Moon’s shadow reveals the secrets of our external self to inquire how we move in the world and assess the ways we hold ourselves back or allow others to serve as a block. Are our outward expressions intertwined with ego? Are we allowing the true essence of ourself to show up in the world or do we mask who we are to satisfy others?
It’s not an exhaustive list; however, we’re challenged by the Divine to start there and gon ahead and venture down the rabbit hole. A deeper dive into the answers are further impacted by the Moon’s ingress during the time of the eclipse. For more New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer understanding, click here.
Lunar Eclipse
In contrast, a Lunar Eclipse is when the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow as it blocks the Sun’s light.
This occurs when the Moon is full.
During the Full Moon, we release all that no longer serves us. It is a complete purge since the Moon’s light at full strength. Think of it as a flood light shone on all we are to remove. Those stagnant weeds in our metaphorical soil that prevent growth in specific areas of our lives (since we plant during the New Moon).
The Full Moon is preparation.
We make space here.
Since we know the Moon guards our internal space, we are challenged to review behaviors that distort our emotional strength and path to our inner knowing. We’re challenged to further connect and seek inward during this time as our intuitive nature is heightened.
Because the Earth is symbolic of our physical self, the Moon’s transit through its shadow forces us to ground and travel inward. What about our environment needs an overhaul? Are old narratives stlll lingering? Are we holding on to old roots that aren’t growing, hoping we can nurture them back to health?
The Lunar Eclipse has us look at our internal garden, as the “Mother Earth” in us is a space of abundance and fruitfulness, but… if our water (aka emotions) is receding, experiencing a dry spell, or flooding the soil of our manifestations, we can’t plant anything and will spend more time doing damage control, as opposed to maintenance.
Our internal space must be prepared to handle the outward movements and expressions houses in the Sun’s light. If our mind, body, and spirit are not in harmony, all of our efforts will be for naught.
What eclipses have taught me is that I have to lose a little power, in order to gain and obtain maximum strength. I must look at what disrupts the flow of energy in my life and use the “powerless” time of the eclipse to do some cleaning internally and externally. Where have I slacked? What did I half-ass fix? What excuses have I allowed to prevent me from keeping my spiritual and physical spaces pristine?
That is how I view the eclipse, now and the sign where it falls helps me pinpoint, specifically, where in my life I need to answer these questions. We have so many moments of reflection and “planetary prompts” but an eclipse is a time to grease our elbows and get the dirty work out the way, so that every other time is simple checks and balances.
I hope this helps you.
With love.