Tears: The Organic Pain Relief
A liquid that pours from our eyes made of salt and water — two staple cleansing agents for our spiritual health. Safe to say tears cleanse. They remove excess and are multifunctional. Anger, sadness, joy, and relief are prompts for tears.
Tears are a relief.
For years we were coached us to swallow our tears. Send them down our belly. Turn a blind eye and let them sit and fester. Burrowed deep in our Solar Plexus causing emotional weight gain and distress. A cave of bottled up feelings deep in our metaphorical abyss. Took time, but I found tears to be my saving grace. The one diet plan that worked without fail.
And it happened without warning.
I’d been doing the work.
There were many challenges I faced, but I knew in order to fully evolve I had to meet the nasty parts of myself. Coupled the Spirit work with clinical therapy and after months of counseling, my therapist and I made a breakthrough.
It’s been my greatest fear.
The thought of leaving others behind, moving on, and being unreachable created mental blocks where I would indirectly self-sabotage. It was hard to hear the depths my mind had gone to keep me running on the hamster wheel of complacency. When I recognized I’d been at war with myself, I made a plan to end that battle and it triggered an indescribable relief.
I felt empowered.
Spent the evening devising the steps to move closer to my purpose. Gained this confidence I never felt before. Rest in my humanness and Spirit. Finally content with leaving everything behind. Certain God would provide me with more than I could ever imagine. During my days in the church, folks would say: you gotta know, like you know, like you know…
My therapy session brought that phrase to life.
I knew like I knew.
In preparation for the next day, an internal conversation began to boggle my mind. That “woke” feeling set in and I couldn’t believe the lengths I’d gone to keep me stagnant. Used my gift of clairvoyance to incite fear in my heart. The visions there were to encourage me, transmuted into paralysis. I dreamt so big, it scared me and I had no one to stop me from stopping me.
Wondered how I could be so cruel to me and create these almost impenetrable walls to ensure I’d never climb? I couldn’t understand why I’d cause myself harm. With each question, I searched for the answer and found myself stumped. I laid in bed, just me and the darkness, and continued the interrogation. Why… why would I do that to myself, is all I could drip from my lips.
Soon my eyes closed, and I met my ego.
She was pissed.
Angry that I foiled her plan. Desperate to find the narratives that were no longer in existence. She’d been the “devil” holding me back, and it was time I wrangled her. That ego of mine tried those same antics, but I killed her with kindness. Gave her the love she always needed, the love I always needed. She fought me so hard, I cried. The tears flowed fast, and the cries became sobs. I felt her die, and the sobs became screams. Uncontrollable screams. I cried so hard and screamed so loud, I was afraid someone would hear me or see me, but there was no one else in that darkness but me.
Urged myself to stop crying.
But my heart knew better.
My Spirit Guides swooped in and held space for me and wept in their bosom. Their love held me close. Let me know it was OK to release the hurt from the depths of my soul.
I cried for the inner child who believed she wasn’t good enough. The little girl still sore from her parent’s divorce. I cried for the teenager who looked for love and attention in all the wrong places, then sought solace in other men as a woman. The young girl in a grown woman’s body who looked for others to fill a void only she could satisfy. I cried for the woman who feared her power. I remembered the moments I wielded it with passion and those who became casualties. Those casualties made me believe I was grandstanding or too big for my britches, so I stepped down from my throne. Compromised my greatness and let others cash in that false sense of loyalty. An unworthy sacrifice. Happy I chose them over me. I grieved every aspect of the old me and made space for the Goddess within.
Cried so hard it left me exhausted. Sat quiet and let the stillness to wash over me. Woke up the next morning light as a feather.
Lesson: the solution is in the tears you refuse to release.
The salt and water rinse away the muck and mire from our aura and bring forth the light. Keeps us grounded, but not anchored so we can ascend. It is in the dark that our tears serve as the light to illuminate our path forward. We need our tears to be the Visine for our Third Eye. Tears become the bridge over troubled waters we created out of fear. When we surrender to our tears, it’s easier to allow Spirit to guide us the rest of the way.
I’m thankful for the cleanse that poured from my soul. It liberated me from the mental prisons I created. If ever I feel trapped by those limiting beliefs, which are sure to creep back in, I’m certain I can access the power of my tears as my pain relief.
With love.